News & Features — 22 May 2022 at 4:26 pm

Winners of the Sustainable Adventure International Photography Award 2022

A woman sits by herself, in the middle of the road in Piccadilly Circus, London. Expressing her fear for the future of her children due to the climate crisis. I snapped this shot in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He was being chained in hot weather. It was so heartbreaking to see these animals suffer. They’ve been taken away from their natural habitats & kept in urban areas to entertain humans. #saynotoanimalcrueltyTeaching dentist in Nepal intraoral suturing. A skill that would reduce the need for patients to travel.


We are proud to present the winners of our International Photography Competition with Eco Medics. We have loved looking through all of the entries. Thank you to everyone who shared their images and insights. As the climate crisis continues, we hope they lead to further discussion and consideration on the ways we choose to adventure and the examples we all set. We hope you enjoy the shortlist.

Thank you to the great Robbie Shone for judging the competition. A National Geographic Photographer, cave explorer and visual storyteller who is helping highlight the climate crisis through his images alongside the scientists collecting samples from these caves. If you’d like to see more of his work his book ‘Hidden Worlds’ is now available to pre-order. 

With thanks too to Patagonia, Bower and Grüum for their activism and focus on providing products in a more sustainable manner. We hope the winners enjoy their prizes from them.

Happy man-powered adventuring and repurposing and sharing of your gear from us all at Adventure Medic and Eco Medics.