News & Features — 24 July 2023 at 11:30 am

Legal Considerations for Medical Care in Polar Waters


If polar adventures as a medic are on the cards, this open access article on legal considerations is for you. It highlights several controversies touching on telemedicine, medical kits and suggested qualifications. It showcases the need for internationally recognised standards to ensure appropriately trained and experienced clinicians are recruited to provide quality medical care to those travelling in these remote regions. It could arguably be extrapolated to expedition and remote medical work in other environments where governance is also currently lacking with significant variability in the provision of care. We hope this helps spur on conversations and the creation of standards in the field. 

The article is by paramedic and polar guide/medic, Kai Müller. It is part of his Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.