Category: Core Skills

AM Guide to Expedition Dentistry for Medics

AM Guide to Expedition Dentistry for Medics

Burjor Langdana, Dental Surgeon at the British Antarctic Survey Medical Unit and Matt Edwards, Expedition Doctor, cover preparation, kit, dental history taking and examination and the diagnosis and management of common dental conditions.

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Risk Management for Adventure

Risk Management for Adventure

Being asked to do a risk assessment can be daunting, however it is an essential part of planning an adventure. Expedition leader Dom Hall gives us some advice. (Photo: Matt Wilkes)

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Introduction to Altitude Illness

Introduction to Altitude Illness

Kitty Duncan / An introduction to the key topic of altitude illness, including pathophysiology, HACE, HAPE, prevention and treatment.

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Chris Imray and Colleagues / A review of frostbite, including including prevalence, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, treatment, where to get advice and recent advances such as telemedicine.

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Alistair Simpson / Alistair is a former Medical Officer with the British Antarctic Survey who has lived for 16 months in Antarctica. He tells us what we need to know about hypothermia and Avi Aujayeb share his experience of getting cold up high.

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