Category: Core Skills

Iceberg bay on the Huemul circuit, Argentina.

Note-Keeping on Expeditions

Maintaining good clinical records is the cornerstone of exemplary patient care and should not be overlooked, especially on expedition. This article provides an overview of the approach to clinical records and documentation on expeditions.

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Trekking in the Khumbu Valley, 2018

High Altitude Medicine Overview

Dr Hannah Lock / Emergency Medicine Senior Clinical Fellow & Portfolio Doctor / Ysbyty Gwynedd, Wales  Dr Hannah Lock is a Senior Clinical Fellow in Emergency Medicine at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor. Since 2018 she has also worked as an Expedition Doctor, specialising in high-altitude environments, and has been involved in medical research on three high-altitude research expeditions. Hannah is part […]

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South African Travels

Indemnity or Insurance on Expeditions

The process of acquiring indemnity or insurance for expedition work has become increasingly difficult. As individuals who are passionate about adventure medicine; Adventure Medic has produced this guide to help with the indemnity process.

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Andes Mountains, Bolivia: APEX 4 altitude medicine expedition

Adventure Medic’s Guide to Choosing an Expedition Medicine Job

The field of expedition medicine is vast. We’ve put together guidance on assessing expedition opportunities in order to help you decide on the right expedition for you.

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Otological Dive Conditions

Otological Dive Conditions

Third Year Medical Student, Georgina Heinzel-Kienberger from Exeter University discusses the common otological dive conditions, barotrauma and decompression sickness. She looks at the current literature regarding aetiology, diagnosis and management and what it means for divers.

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Thinking outside the box for diversifying medical work

Thinking outside the box for diversifying medical work

The Mountain Leader (ML) award is the qualification for leading groups of people walking in the UK hills. It is run by the Mountain Training Association, and requires a detailed logbook, attending a training course and passing a multi-day assessment. Here Abbey shares the benefits the qualification has had for her as a medical professional.

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Outdoor Skills for the Expedition Medic

Outdoor Skills for the Expedition Medic

Expedition skills – explaining what they are, understanding why they are important and giving you a few ideas of how you can gain them and demonstrate your competence.

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Demystifying Sunglasses

Demystifying Sunglasses

Dr Josie Hollywood helps to understand not only the importance of wearing sunglasses but also the key specifications to know about when choosing a pair to give our eyes the maximal protection required.

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Into the Polar Regions

Into the Polar Regions

A sage on navigation and cold environments: Nigel Williams offers his survival tips for polar expeditions, so we too can enjoy these spectacular environments, and look after ourselves to better care for others.

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Dirty Adrenaline: thinking outside the box in wilderness emergency care

Dirty Adrenaline: thinking outside the box in wilderness emergency care

Delivering advanced medical care in austere and resource deplete environments can be difficult with the constraints of a small expedition kit bag and sometimes we are faced with hypotension unresponsive to fluid therapy alone.
In this succinct article our very own Dr Edi Albert shares his recipe for delivering adrenaline as a vasopressor when faced with acutely unwell patients in the field. 

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